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Stay Informed on Oil Industry News

Oil-and-Gas-IndustryIf you are involved in the oil industry, then you need to stay current on oil industry news. The oil and gas industry is constantly changing and there is always news about many different aspects of the industry. OilFieldTrash.com is a great place to go to get the most important news that pertains to the oil field workers and their families. Our site wades through all the news information and posts what is the most important information to you. Thus, you save time and have one place to come for all your oil industry news.

OilFieldTrash.com aims to promote the oil industry and its workers. Jay Colquitt is the founder of OilFieldTrash.com. He is an industry veteran with more than four decades of experience working in the oil industry. He understands the oil industry and knows firsthand how important oil industry news is to the people who work in oil fields. In addition to general oil industry news, our site offers information like worldwide rig counts, job openings, gas and oil prices, and announcements of current industry events.

Colquitt has added a “Company Man 101” section to this site. This section includes loads of great information and educational materials for the oil field worker. All the information is downloadable and easily printed so you can take it with you and have it when you are ready to use the information. There are many equations for applications needed on the rig. This section also includes drill bit information, directional drilling information, and report forms. We have added this section to benefit you and the oil industry. When you improve your knowledge, you improve the oil industry, and that is a goal we want to achieve. Sometimes people have asked Colquitt what they can do to be a better directional driller. He responds by saying that studying and learning with tools like those found in “Company Man 101” will greatly improve anyone’s abilities at being a directional driller.

Drilling Consultant Jobs

If you are searching for drilling consultant jobs, then check out OilFieldTrash.com. This site is an excellent one for oil and gas industry workers of all kinds for many reasons.

The oil and gas industry is constantly in flux. It’s important for those connected to the industry to stay informed of the latest happenings. OilFieldTrash.com is a great source for the latest industry news. They wade through all the information sources and present the most important things through this site. If you are an oil industry worker you have probably wondered or needed to know things like worldwide rig counts, current oil and gas prices, when certain oil industry events would happen, and of course when drilling consultant jobs or other jobs become available. You can find all these things on OilFieldTrash.com.

The oil industry is being challenge by the government. Because of this and other reasons, it is important for oil field workers to stay connected. OilFieldTrash.com provides a great forum where members may post concerns or answer others’ questions. It is also a place to share frustrations and plans of actions to better the industry. Anyone is welcome to contribute and lively conversation is welcome.

One of the benefits to OilFieldTrash.com is the educational feature found in the “Company Man 101” section. This part of the site is full of information for the oil field worker. From drill bit information to valuable equation information that is used on drilling rigs, this site is important for every oil field worker. According to Jay Colquitt, founder of OilFieldTrash.com and industry veteran, studying and learning is one of the best ways to improve you as an oil and gas industry worker. Many people have asked him how one can become a directional driller or improve their skills, and he always tells them to study up and this will improve their skills and make them a more valuable asset to the industry. It truly makes a difference and is easy to do since all the necessary reference material can be found on this site.

Keeping Up with Oil and gas industry

The oil and gas industry is constantly changing. So, it would stand to reason that oil and gas industry news would be changing as well. If you want or need to keep up with the latest oil and gas industry news, then OilFieldTrash.com is the place to look. OilFieldTrash.com is a website dedicated to providing news to those for those interested in the oil and gas industry. They also work to promote the oil field industry and help those who work in the oil field. Their website contains up to date information on worldwide oil rig numbers, job openings, oil and gas prices, and announcements of current industry events. If you are looking for some great oil field stickers or apparel, then OilFieldTrash.com is also the place to look.

OilFieldTrash.com contains a lot of educational tools and online reference materials. In the section titled, “Company Man 101” you can find information about working in the oil field. Lots of drilling information can be found here. For example, technical facts, report forms, and drill bit information can all be found on this website. This is a great reference tool for all oil industry personnel. If you need drill bit information or want to know more about hydraulics and pumps, this site is ready to teach you all these things. They include such tools as technical data, necessary formulas, report forms, directional programs, and cementing and casing programs. All information is downloadable and free! Contributions of information to the site are welcome.

In the current economy it is important that oil field workers stick together. Jay Colquitt, industry veteran and founder of OilFieldTrash.com, wanted to bring the oil and gas industry together and keep its workers informed of what they can do to stay ahead of the game. The website has a forum where users may post questions or topics they would like to discuss. Oil and gas industry news may also be shared on the forum. With the industry constantly changing, it’s time for oil field workers to stay informed of the latest changes and find what they can do to better themselves and the industry.

Oil Field Workers: An Asset To Our Country

Oil field workers are an invaluable asset to this country. Their dedication, knowledge, and hard work literally fuel our great nation. Without great oil field workers, we would be at a great disadvantage. If you are an oil field worker, we are glad you found our website and the different tools and resouces we are offering to better help each worker and in turn help improve the oil industry.

The aim of our website is to promote the oil field industry and its workers. We want to bring workers together in the “forum” section of the site. Here member can discuss any number of things, such as the state of the oil industry, the current economy, jobs they know of or need, and all sorts of other topics. If you have a question, just ask. We are all here for each other and the improvement of the industry.

Oil field workers will also appreciate our “shop” section. Here you can look at funny bumper stickers, t-shirts, mugs, clocks, aprons, and pillows. Each of these products showcases your oil field pride and helps others to know of your dedication to the industry. Our products are high quality and made with the oil field worker in mind. Some of our products are also customizable, so go check it out!

Another way we work to promote the oil field industry is by featuring our “Company Man 101” section. Think of this section as a lot of educational tools that you may use to improve your knowledge and increase your opportunities. This section is fully downloadable, printable and free so you can take this information with you to the rig floor. We have charts, drilling information, casing information and so much more to help you out. Sometimes people wonder what they can do to become a better directional driller and the answer our founder Jay Colquitt always gives is to study. Now we provide the tools for anyone to do that and help everyone who desires to the chance to get ahead.

If you are in the oil field industry, it’s important that you stay connected to others in the industry. It’s also important that you can access the latest news and educational information. Our website provides all of those things and so much more. We also have a “stories” section and a “gallery” for your enjoyment. Check us out today and find out what you’ve been missing.

Oil Field Services

Oil Field Trash offers many oil field services so that we can all work together to promote and improve the oil industry and its workers. Our oil field services include promoting the oil industry, helping oil field workers find jobs, providing educational tools, managing a forum for members to post on, and selling merchandise that promotes the oil industry and oil field workers. We also post the latest news and events affecting the oil industry. Browse our site and discover what we can do for you!Oil Field Services.

We sift through all the news to bring you the important oil news you want and need. We offer lots of information on one convenient site so you don’t have to go elsewhere for what you want. We also have listings of current oil industry events so you can stay informed.

Our website works to help oil field workers find jobs. We offer some job postings, a directory of oil companies, a forum to help you connect with employers and other job seekers, and we also recommend to job seekers to improve their knowledge with our educational tools.

One of the fun parts of our site is the merchandise shop. We sell all types of products that promote the oil industry. We have hats, shirts, aprons, mugs, clocks, and pillows for sale. We also have some funny bumper stickers that we update often. Show your oil industry pride by buying something from our shopping section. We also have a photo gallery for your viewing pleasure and (mostly true) oil rig stories for your enjoyment.

If you want to increase your knowledge or you need some specific information about drilling then you should head to our “Company Man 101” section. Here you can find technical facts, drilling information, calculations, equations, formulas, report forms and so much more. All of this information is downloadable and printable so you can take it with you and use it where you need it.

Take a few minutes and check out all the oil field services we offer. We are happy to help you with any problems or questions so let us know what we can do for you. We also appreciate suggestions and compliments!

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