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Stay Informed on Oil Industry News

Oil-and-Gas-IndustryIf you are involved in the oil industry, then you need to stay current on oil industry news. The oil and gas industry is constantly changing and there is always news about many different aspects of the industry. OilFieldTrash.com is a great place to go to get the most important news that pertains to the oil field workers and their families. Our site wades through all the news information and posts what is the most important information to you. Thus, you save time and have one place to come for all your oil industry news.

OilFieldTrash.com aims to promote the oil industry and its workers. Jay Colquitt is the founder of OilFieldTrash.com. He is an industry veteran with more than four decades of experience working in the oil industry. He understands the oil industry and knows firsthand how important oil industry news is to the people who work in oil fields. In addition to general oil industry news, our site offers information like worldwide rig counts, job openings, gas and oil prices, and announcements of current industry events.

Colquitt has added a “Company Man 101” section to this site. This section includes loads of great information and educational materials for the oil field worker. All the information is downloadable and easily printed so you can take it with you and have it when you are ready to use the information. There are many equations for applications needed on the rig. This section also includes drill bit information, directional drilling information, and report forms. We have added this section to benefit you and the oil industry. When you improve your knowledge, you improve the oil industry, and that is a goal we want to achieve. Sometimes people have asked Colquitt what they can do to be a better directional driller. He responds by saying that studying and learning with tools like those found in “Company Man 101” will greatly improve anyone’s abilities at being a directional driller.