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Oil Field Services

Oil Field Trash offers many oil field services so that we can all work together to promote and improve the oil industry and its workers. Our oil field services include promoting the oil industry, helping oil field workers find jobs, providing educational tools, managing a forum for members to post on, and selling merchandise that promotes the oil industry and oil field workers. We also post the latest news and events affecting the oil industry. Browse our site and discover what we can do for you!Oil Field Services.

We sift through all the news to bring you the important oil news you want and need. We offer lots of information on one convenient site so you don’t have to go elsewhere for what you want. We also have listings of current oil industry events so you can stay informed.

Our website works to help oil field workers find jobs. We offer some job postings, a directory of oil companies, a forum to help you connect with employers and other job seekers, and we also recommend to job seekers to improve their knowledge with our educational tools.

One of the fun parts of our site is the merchandise shop. We sell all types of products that promote the oil industry. We have hats, shirts, aprons, mugs, clocks, and pillows for sale. We also have some funny bumper stickers that we update often. Show your oil industry pride by buying something from our shopping section. We also have a photo gallery for your viewing pleasure and (mostly true) oil rig stories for your enjoyment.

If you want to increase your knowledge or you need some specific information about drilling then you should head to our “Company Man 101” section. Here you can find technical facts, drilling information, calculations, equations, formulas, report forms and so much more. All of this information is downloadable and printable so you can take it with you and use it where you need it.

Take a few minutes and check out all the oil field services we offer. We are happy to help you with any problems or questions so let us know what we can do for you. We also appreciate suggestions and compliments!